Input field types & parameters

There are different parameters for each type of input field. All parameters are listed and described below.


  • Allow image upload from device: Enables the user to upload an image file from their device. You can disable this setting if you only want to allow image selection from one of the integrated cloud services.
  • Transparency: Allows images with transparent areas. If it is disabled, transparent areas are filled with a white background.
  • Cloud integration
    • Pixabay: Learn how to integrate Pixabay here.
    • Google Drive: Learn how to integrate Google Drive here.
    • OneDrive: Learn how to integrate OneDrive here.

Image Crop

  • Aspect ratio: Manages the aspect ratio displayed in the cropping module.
  • Max scale: Limits how much the image can be cropped.


  • Allow multiline: Controls whether the user can create line breaks manually.
  • Show character count: Controls whether the character count is displayed.
  • Show clear button: Controls whether a clear button is displayed.
  • Max total number of characters: Set a maximum character limit.
  • Max number of characters per line: Set a limit to the characters per line of text.
  • max number of lines: Set a limit to the number of lines.


  • Fill mode: Manages how the option preview is displayed in the option button.
  • Options
    • Option preview: Click on the button to the left of the value to manage the option preview. You can set a color or upload an image.
    • Option value: The value of the option.
    • Add or delete option: Click "+" to duplicate an option or "-" to delete it.

  • Options
    • Option label: The text displayed as the option in the dropdown.
    • Option value: The value of the option.
    • Add, move or delete option: Click the context menu next to the value to duplicate, move or delete the option.


The color field does not have any unique parameters.


  • Min value: Lowest possible value.
  • Max value: Highest possible value.
  • Increment: Step-size of the number-slider.


  • True label: Label on the switch when enabled.
  • False label: Label on the switch when disabled.
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